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Discover How to Save Money on Energy This Winter

As temperatures drop in Kinston, North Carolina, your utility bills often rise. If you’re looking for ways to save money on your home’s energy bill this winter, check out these tips:

Seal Air Leaks

Some of the biggest causes of energy waste in homes are leaks. If your doors and windows aren’t properly sealed, you may be losing much of the warm air your HVAC system works to create. When it gets cold outside, run your hand along the edges of the doors and windows in your home to find cool spots. If you find one, try installing a weatherstrip or using caulk.

Replace Your Air Filter

Check your HVAC system’s air filter regularly to see if it’s time to replace it. As it catches pollutants, it gets dirty and eventually clogs. The more clogged it gets, the harder your HVAC system has to work to push warm air through it. We suggest making a monthly habit of replacing your filter. As a result, you’ll reduce strain on your system and help to prevent poor indoor air quality.

Lower Your Thermostat

Though it may be obvious, it bears mentioning: One of the most effective ways to save money on your energy bill is by using less energy. If your family is walking around in shorts and short-sleeved shirts in the winter, it may be a sign you can spare a couple of degrees of heating. Remember that you pay for every degree of heat your HVAC system produces. Bring out the sweaters and adjust your thermostat to start saving money.

Clear Space for Air Vents

Look at your home’s air vents and make sure there’s nothing blocking them. Furniture, sheets, curtains and pet beds can block or restrict the flow of air from your heating system, forcing it to work harder to distribute it.

Do you want to schedule a check-up to make sure your HVAC system is running efficiently? Give our team at J & J Mechanical, Inc. a call at 855-800-1341. With proper maintenance, you can improve your home’s heating and save money on your energy bills this winter.

Image provided by Bigstock

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