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3 Worrisome Air Conditioning Noises in Kinston, NC

Strange noises coming from your air conditioning system are an immediate cause of worry for all residents of Kinston, SC. To make sure that your AC system stays in good shape, you first need to know about the problems that such noises point to. Here’s a look at three common air conditioning noises and what causes them:


If you hear banging noises coming from your air conditioning system, it’s a safe bet that some part of its compressor has either come loose or is completely broken. This part might be something like a crankshaft, connecting rod, piston pin or some support springs and screws. To eliminate this noise, you’ll need to call an HVAC service technician over and either have them tighten the loose parts or conduct AC repairs to fix the broken ones.


Screeching or squealing sounds typically point to problems with your AC system’s fan motor. The motor itself may be malfunctioning, or there might be difficulties with either its bearings, blower wheel or belt.

If the blower motor works properly, your AC system should collect hot air from around your home. If you notice a general decline in your AC system’s functioning along with this noise, you can be even more confident that motor issues are at the root of the problem.


The most common explanation for loud buzzing sounds coming from your air conditioner is that one or more of its fan blades have come loose. Alternatively, there might be a significant amount of debris in your AC system’s condenser. You may even hear buzzing if the filters in your air conditioner are too old or dirty.

Never ignore any odd noises coming from your air conditioning system. They indicate that something is already wrong. Refusing to act will only exacerbate whatever problems exist. Call J & J Mechanical, Inc. to schedule air conditioning services in and around Kinston, NC, today.

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