Why Does My AC System in New Bern, NC, Smell Musty?
An air conditioning system requires regular maintenance to function properly and prevent musty smells. If you’re a New Bern, NC, homeowner, you know that musty smells in your AC system can be frustrating. Here are a few reasons your AC system may smell musty:
Dirty Air Filters
One of the most common reasons for a musty smell in your HVAC system is dirty air filters. When air filters are dirty, they can restrict airflow and cause the system to work harder to circulate air. This can lead to a buildup of dust and dirt, which can cause a musty smell.
Clogged Drain Lines
Clogged drain lines cause water to back into the system and create a moist environment ideal for the growth of microbial and other contaminants. When these contaminants grow, they can cause musty odors. Always make sure your drain lines are clear to prevent this issue.
Frozen Evaporator Lines
AC systems remove warm indoor air and circulate it over a cold evaporator coil. This process cools the air and removes moisture from it. Frozen evaporator lines can disrupt this process and cause water to build up in the system. The water can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other contaminants that cause musty odors.
Ductwork Leaks
Punctured ductwork can cause air to leak out of the system and allow outside contaminants to enter. These contaminants can build up and cause a musty smell. Always check your ductwork for any holes or punctures that could lead to leakages and seal them.
If you’re experiencing musty smells from your air conditioning system, contact J & J Mechanical, Inc. to get a professional solution. We offer AC repair and maintenance services; our team of certified service technicians can inspect your system, identify the cause of the problem and fix it.
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