What Makes Furnaces in New Bern, NC Overheat?
An overheating furnace in New Bern, NC, may shut down as a safety precaution, leaving your family in the cold. Understanding why your system overheats helps to prevent the problem from recurring. Let’s discuss why furnaces overheat and figure out whether your system is overheating.
Airflow Problems
For your furnace to warm your home, it needs to draw air from your living space for heating. The air goes through a filter that eliminates contaminants. This helps to eliminate impurities that can cause poor indoor air quality symptoms problems such as coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and headaches.
When the filter catches too many pollutants, air cannot pass through freely because the contaminants clog it. Your furnace works harder to pull air through the clogged filter.
If your ductwork has damage, heated air can escape through the holes in your ducts before reaching your living space. Damaged ductwork causes your system to overwork, making the system overheat.
Replace your air filter often for air to enter the furnace freely. Also, allow your service technician to inspect your ducts and repair or replace them if they have holes.
Lack of Furnace Maintenance
If you don’t schedule maintenance services for your furnace, dirt and debris will accumulate on its components and affect the lubrication of moving parts. System parts that don’t have lubrication could experience untimely breakdowns.
Dirty components, insufficient lubrication and wiring issues can make your system overheat because it works harder than necessary. Maintenance services help to lubricate the moving parts, clean the dirty ones and fix wiring issues to enable your furnace to work efficiently.
Blocked Vents
You may have blocked your vents unknowingly with furniture, preventing the air coming from the furnace from entering your living space. The heated air that doesn’t enter your room goes back to the furnace, making it overheat. Always ensure your furniture isn’t too close to the vents.
More importantly, request a service technician to determine why your system overheats instead of trying to guess the reasons. You can reach out to our heating experts at J & J Mechanical, Inc. to have your furnace inspected. Our team will correctly diagnose the problem and eliminate it.
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