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Troubleshooting Your Residential Heat Pump in Kinston, NC

Now that it’s fall in Kinston, NC, it’s time to turn on your heat pump to stay warm. However, that might not be possible with a broken system. In this guide, we’ll go over some problems heat pumps can experience and their solutions.

Leaking Refrigerant

Your heat pump uses a liquid refrigerant to transfer heat from outdoors to your home’s interior. This liquid moves through a refrigerant line from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit. When a leak occurs, this process can’t take place.

First, look for signs of leakage in the pipe and around the outdoor unit. If you notice signs of leaking, contact your heating repair contractor immediately. A service technician will repair the holes and refill the liquid.

Outdoor Unit Freezes Up

Your heat pump comes in two parts: the outdoor and indoor units. The outdoor unit absorbs heat from the environment in fall and winter. When it’s cold outside, it’s common for ice to form on the outdoor unit.

However, your heat pump should run a defrost cycle to get rid of the ice. If the frost accumulates, it could block the unit entirely and lead to a system freeze-up. If this happens, contact a service technician immediately for an inspection.

Heat Pump Isn’t Heating

Sometimes your heat pump could be on but it’s not heating your house. If this is the case, there are several possible reasons.

First, the air filters could be dirty. Dirt and debris clog your air filters, reducing airflow and forcing your unit to work harder than necessary. When there’s too much buildup, it also blocks the compressor that’s responsible for heating the air.

The solution is to replace the air filters monthly and clean all vents regularly. If you have reusable filters, clean them twice a month.

If your heat pump has broken, the best solution is to call a qualified service technician. A professional can inspect your unit, let you know what’s wrong and repair it or help you choose a new one. For more information on our team’s HVAC services, contact J & J Mechanical, Inc.

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