4 Tips to Manage Spring and Summer Cooling Costs
The cooling season is here in Kinston, North Carolina. Therefore, you may find it difficult to maintain a comfortable indoor atmosphere without spending a fortune on cooling bills. Warm temperatures and increasing humidity levels are common throughout spring and summer. Follow these tips to keep your cooling costs down without sacrificing comfort:
Cook Outdoors
Although it may not sound appealing to spend more time outdoors when it’s hot and humid, cooking outside can help keep your home at a more stable temperature. Turning on your oven will heat the house while boiling water or cooking liquids will put extra moisture in the air. Grilling outdoors won’t cause these temperature or humidity fluctuations. You’ll also get to enjoy the tasty flavors of your favorite grilled dishes.
Program Your Thermostat
Manually adjusting the temperature of your home can waste a lot of energy. As a result, it can cause the cooling system to cycle on and off more regularly. Trying to drop the temperature drastically will also put extra pressure on the system, which can increase the chances of a premature breakdown. By programming your thermostat at the start of the cooling season, you allow the system to operate more efficiently.
Use Fans
Fans are essential during the spring and summer months. Whether you rely on ceiling fans, floor fans, or box fans, keep these units running in the rooms you’re using in the home. Although fans don’t cool the air, they provide airflow and a cooling effect. Remember to turn them off when you leave the rooms in which you’re not occupying. As a result, you’ll avoid wasting energy.
Schedule a Tune-up
Your air conditioning system had a break during the winter season. Schedule a tune-up so our service technicians can check it out and make sure everything is working properly. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your unit and reduce the risk of expensive problems in the future.
Don’t wait until the temperature spikes too high. Contact J & J Mechanical, Inc. to schedule your maintenance service by calling 855-800-1341.
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