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How Does a Smart Thermostat Promote Good HVAC Management?

Innovations in home automation continue to capture the attention of homeowners in New Bern, North Carolina. Smart thermostats offer one example of this home automation technology. When connected to your HVAC system, a smart thermostat can help you manage hot and cold spots within your home and reward you with energy savings. Read on to learn how a smart thermostat promotes good HVAC management.

Manage Hot and Cold Spots Within Your Home

Many models of smart thermostats come equipped with zoning control features that enable you to control heating and cooling within specific areas or zones inside your home. For example, the Evolution Connex Control maximizes comfort control. This sophisticated thermostat offers zoning for up to eight areas as well as the ability to measure and regulate airflow in each zone. With this smart thermostat, you can heat and cool individual zones to achieve the comfort you desire. As a result, everyone in your home will enjoy their preferred temperature setting.

Reap the Rewards of Energy Savings

Smart thermostats come equipped with intelligent features that extend their functionality far beyond manual programming for greater HVAC operating efficiency. The Housewise Wi-Fi Thermostat puts the power of comfort management control in your hands. This device learns the way your home uses energy and offers customized energy-saving tips and in-depth reporting on your HVAC usage. According to the manufacturer, this thermostat is part of a family of comfort-management devices that can save homeowners up to 20 percent on their energy costs.

Control Heating and Cooling Remotely

When you’re away from home, you want your HVAC system to keep your home comfortable in the most energy-efficient way possible. Smart thermostats, such as the Bryant Wi-Fi Thermostat, give you programming control through Wi-Fi remote access capability. With this device, you can manage temperatures inside your home even when you’re not at home. You can also view daily and monthly energy reports.

Put the power of smart thermostat technology to work for your home’s HVAC system. Contact J & J Mechanical, Inc. at 855-800-1341. We’ll help you select the best smart thermostat for your home comfort management needs.

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