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3 Energy-Efficiency Tips for Rising Temperatures in New Bern, NC

The summers are hot in New Bern, NC, and cooling bills for your home can often be prohibitive. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce energy costs. Here are three energy-efficiency tips for rising temperatures:


An important step in running your HVAC system efficiently during the summer is to ensure it’s performing well. Instituting an annual maintenance schedule with a professional HVAC service will help keep your air conditioner run smoothly.

An HVAC service technician will typically conduct inspections on several items. Some of them include:

  • Wiring, connections and ducts.
  • Thermostat.
  • Condenser, coils, grilles and drainage conduits.
  • Refrigerant levels.
  • Unit cycling intervals.
  • Moving parts.

Thermostat Settings

Many people don’t fully utilize their HVAC thermostat. You can save a significant amount of energy by simply changing the thermostat setting to a higher level for the hours you won’t be home. When you’re home, you can lower the thermostat setting to a level that’s the highest for your personal comfort.

Installing a programable thermostat is the most efficient method for setting differing levels for different times of day. Many of these programmable thermostats are “smart” devices. As a result, they allow you to control the temperature inside your home remotely using your smartphone.


Using ventilation to remove humidity from your home can help reduce discomfort during the summer. While humidity may not actually affect the home temperature, it can negatively affect the ability of people to feel cool. Install and use both spot ventilation (bathrooms, laundries, kitchens) and whole-home ventilation.

Window Coverings

During the summer, the sun’s rays that strike your windows can create a lot of heat against your home. Investing in special window coverings that block the heat can help you in overall energy costs.

Don’t let summer heat beat you up with high energy bills. Call J & J Mechanical, Inc. for help increasing the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Image provided by iStock

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