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3 Benefits of Zoned Heating In Your Single-Family Home

Homeowners who always look for ways to improve their energy efficiency have a lot to be excited about with zoned heating. Zoned heating helps families customize their comfort settings for each member’s individual preferences. But this is only one of its many advantages. If you’re looking for ways to make heating and cooling more efficient in your North Carolina home, take a look at these three benefits of zoned heating:

Individualized Comfort in Every Room

Families no longer have to compromise on their temperature preferences at home. The biggest benefit of zoned heating is that everyone enjoys the amount of warm or cool air that they prefer in their rooms.

You can control each zone by a programmable thermostat and a smartphone app. For example, a person can warm their bedroom before going to bed without warming the whole home. They can also turn the heat off when leaving to avoid wasting energy in that zone.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Saving energy is another excellent benefit of zoned heating, especially if you combine your system with a programmable thermostat. If no one goes into their bedrooms during the day, you can turn off the heater or air conditioner in that zone. Your HVAC system can also warm or cool that zone to a comfortable temperature for a fraction of the effort previously required.

Easy Integration In Your Single-Family Home

If you worry that installing zoned heating will be a major undertaking, don’t be. It’s easy to integrate this technology with your current system, even if you have a ductless system. A service technician can install a mini-split system to let you manage the temperature in different zones across your home.

Zoned heating will help keep everyone in your home more comfortable while enjoying greater energy efficiency. Speak with the experts at J & J Mechanical by calling 888-716-0052 in Greenville or 855-800-1341 in Kinston. We’re more than happy to add zoned heating to your property.

Image provided by Bigstock

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