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Are Air Cleaners and Air Purifiers the Same Thing?

As you set out to improve the air quality in your home, you may hear the terms “air cleaner” and “air purifier” thrown about. Although these terms may sound like they refer to the same device, the two are different. Here’s what you need to know to distinguish air cleaners from air purifiers and set yourself on the path to better IAQ in Kinston, NC.

They Function Differently

Both air cleaners and air purifiers can remove contaminants like pet dander and dust from the air, but they do so in different ways. Air cleaners allow air to pass through a filter, removing pollutants as they strike its mesh. Air purifiers, which can also filter smaller particles, gases and odors, sanitize the surrounding air by using negative ions, ultraviolet light or heat.

There are portable air cleaners and air purifiers and whole-house options. What’s best for your home depends on a variety of factors, including how many residents are living in the space and their respective health conditions.

Pros and Cons of Air Cleaners

With these few basic differences in mind, both offer their own advantages and disadvantages. Air cleaners are ideal for removing larger particles from your space, but they don’t sanitize the air, nor can they remove small pathogens. They clean to an extent, but it’s not a thorough clean.

Pros and Cons of Air Purifiers

Air purifiers can remove much more from the air than air cleaners, including odors, tobacco smoke and viruses. They also offer the added perk of sanitization, creating a healthier living space than using an air cleaner alone. Combined with regular HVAC maintenance, they can both dramatically boost IAQ.

Air cleaners and air purifiers are valuable tools in your mission to create the healthiest air for yourself and your family. Understanding each device’s strengths and weaknesses will allow you to use them in the most appropriate setting. Call J & J Mechanical, Inc. to ask for our IAQ services today.

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